Give Your Mixes The Clarity They Deserve By Mastering The Art Of Using EQ

You deserve well-crafted and polished mixes. You have an idea of what you want your mix to sound like but lack some technical know-how to get there on your own. It's time to learn EQ, once and for all!

Don't settle for using plugin presets that just result in you feeling frustrated with your mixdowns; instead, learn how to use EQ properly so you can take full control over the sonic integrity of your music.

  • Discover how to create clarity and separation in your mixes
  • Add energy and excitement to your instruments
  • Prevent your tracks from sounding too dull or harsh.
  • Learn exactly which frequencies to adjust

Give Your Mixes The Clarity They Deserve By Mastering The Art Of Using EQ

You deserve well-crafted and polished mixes. You have an idea of what you want your mix to sound like but lack some technical know-how to get there on your own. It's time to learn EQ, once and for all!

Don't settle for using plugin presets that just result in you feeling frustrated with your mixdowns; instead, learn how to use EQ properly so you can take full control over the sonic integrity of your music.

  • Discover how to create clarity and separation in your mixes
  • Add energy and excitement to your instruments
  • Prevent your tracks from sounding too dull or harsh.
  • Learn exactly which frequencies to adjust

The following is a message for every musician who aspires to create amazing sounding mixes, but can't seem to figure out how to do it or what to listen for….

You've worked hard on writing and recording your music, but before you release it for the world to hear, you obviously want it to sound pro.

However, getting clarity, separation, and polish in your mixes isn't always an easy task. You certainly shouldn't settle for mixes that sound muddy, harsh, or dull.

That's where EQ comes in.

EQ is, by far, the most important tool needed to give your tracks that pro, clear sound that you hear on the radio.

It allows your tracks to work together as one cohesive unit, while still letting you hear each instrument individually.

But learning how to use it properly can be tricky at first.

You might ask yourself:

  • "Where do I begin?"
  • "What should I be listening for?"
  • "Which frequencies should I adjust? "
  • "How do I know when to boost or cut? "
  • "How do I get more clarity out of my kick drum while making it work well with the low-end of your bass?"
  • "How do I make my vocals sound pro?"...

These are all common questions when starting out with EQ.

But rather than guessing what to do, there's a much faster way to get the results you're after...


The EQ Primer Course teaches you everything you need to know about EQ so you can finally start creating killer mixes that sound exactly how you imagined them.

This course helps you:

  • Avoid struggling to know which frequencies to boost or cut so you no longer need to guess what to do or rely on plugin presets that just don't work.

  • Give your mixes the clarity and polish they deserve so that you can feel proud to show off your music

  • Create mixes that sound as good as your favorite recordings so that you no longer feel like your tracks just sound like demos.

  • Feel confident mixing your music so that you can avoid having to hire an outside engineer to do the job for you

The EQ Primer Course Includes:

  • Over 4 hrs of detailed, step-by-step video tutorials that will show you how to EQ your tracks so that they sound as good as the pros.
  • PDF Cheat Sheets to eliminate the guesswork from your process so you can mix faster.
  • Practice assignments to help you develop your ears and speed.

Hear Your Music The Way You've Always Wanted To

  • Quit struggling to make your mixes sound clear.
  • Effortlessly dial in settings (without second-guessing your decisions) 
  • Gain a game-plan for processing your tracks so that you know exactly what to do (and the proper order to do it) 
  • Create amazing results from your home studio... which means you never have to hire an outside engineer to do the job for you again. 
  • Enjoy the process of being creative and work from the comfort of your own home 
  • Finish mixes with speed so that you can spend more of your time on more important things in your life
  • Feel proud of your work (so you can make abandoning your songs a thing of the past)
  • Quickly develop your skills to a level where bands seek to work with (so you can make a living from your passion). 
  • ... and much, MUCH More!

Hear Your Music The Way You've Always Wanted To

  • Quit struggling to make your mixes sound clear.
  • Effortlessly dial in settings (without second-guessing your decisions) 
  • Gain a game-plan for processing your tracks so that you know exactly what to do (and the proper order to do it) 
  • Create amazing results from your home studio... which means you never have to hire an outside engineer to do the job for you again. 
  • Enjoy the process of being creative and work from the comfort of your own home 
  • Finish mixes with speed so that you can spend more of your time on more important things in your life
  • Feel proud of your work (so you can make abandoning your songs a thing of the past)
  • Quickly develop your skills to a level where bands seek to work with (so you can make a living from your passion). 
  • ... and much, MUCH More!

But Don't Just Take My Word For It, Here's What My Students Have To Say...

"Mike's EQ primer course really hits the mark. Not only do I feel like I understand EQ fundamentals, I also have a great starting point for various instruments and know how to find the good and bad frequencies in each. through the course I have increased the speed in which I apply EQ and the final result is a good clean mix!"

- Tyson D.

“Having completed some of Mike’s other courses, I was very happy to take his new EQ Primer course. I find Mike to be a great teacher, able to get across often complex material in a way that’s clear and easy to understand. And because he works as a professional mixer and producer, I can trust he knows exactly what he’s talking about. This course covers everything you need to gain a solid understanding of what EQ is and how to apply it in your mixes to help gain separation and clarity or as a creative production tool. There’s plenty here for both the beginner and more experienced mixer alike and I have no hesitation recommending it if you’re looking to up your EQ game.”

- Paul A.

"I was struggling a lot with confidence in my EQ choices. I felt like what I was doing was "probably not correct" and that I was "probably ruining the mix". Having gone through the EQ Primer, I now feel way more CONFIDENT in my choices and I'm definitely making better/more efficient use of my time in a mix.

This is an absolute MUST out of all the MYM material. It gives you a great foundation to start from to get a better understanding of mixing in general”

-Wade H.



Q: What if I don't have time to take the whole course right now?  

You will get lifetime access to all of the course content when you purchase. All of the videos are broken down into small digestible sections so that you can watch them whenever you find is most convenient for you.  

Q: Do I need to use a specific DAW to understand the content? 

All of the concepts discussed in the video are independent of which DAW or plugins you use. Once you learn the process and mindset of how to approach your mixes, you can apply it in whatever DAW you're using and with whichever plugins you wish. In fact, because of that, this course doesn't even go into any sessions. Instead, it is entirely focused on teaching you the mental approach to troubleshooting your own songs.  

Q: Will this course work for me if I work in [insert genre here]?  

The concepts inside of this course apply to all genres. Whether you work in rock, metal, jazz, EDM, rap, or any other genre, you will definitely learn many skills that you will benefit from. That being said, if you work in a genre that doesn't involve any live instruments, it may not be the perfect fit, but you still will gain a lot of useful knowledge from it.  

Q: I'm just starting to get into mixing. Do I need to be at a certain skill level before taking this course?  

No. This course is a perfect fit for anyone who wants to improve their mixes - regardless of skill level. Whether you're just getting started or have been mixing for years, there is something to learn for everyone. The lessons and principals taught in the course are are designed to maximize your skill development in order to push your mixes to the next level

Q: What if this course doesn’t work for me?  

Then you get your money back. If you take the course and feel like you didn’t gain more than the cost of the course, and you didn’t learn anything/see any results, just email me within 30 days and I’ll refund 100% of your money back. 

It's Time For You To See Results!

  • Make your music sound as good as your favorite records
  • Feel confident in your skills so that you get stuck constantly second-guessing your every move
  • Impress your fans, family, friends, and more with the quality of your productions
  • Grow your fanbase by releasing music that people will want to listen to over and over again
  • Become an in-demand engineer that bands seek out to work with
  • Make a living from your passion and audio skills
  • Discover the secrets pro engineers use to achieve clarity and polish in every mix

100% Risk-FREE Guarantee

If the EQ Primer Course doesn't show you exactly how to make better sounding music... if it doesn't take you by the hand, and give you step-by-step instructions for getting your tracks to sound polished and clear... or if it fails to help you understand how to properly use the tools needed to make your mixes sound pro, then you will receive a full refund. No Questions Asked!

Join The EQ Primer Course

Join today for only:


Get instant lifetime access to:

  • Over 4 hrs of detailed, step-by-step video tutorials that will show you how to EQ your tracks so that they sound as good as the pros.
  • PDF Cheat Sheets to eliminate the guesswork from your process so you can mix faster.
  • Use our exercises to help train your ears to mix with speed and confidence.

About Your Instructor:

Mike Indovina is a recording, mixing, and mastering engineer who has worked with hundreds of artists throughout his career. He has been fortunate to work alongside many artists (including Kiss and Collective Soul) and labels such as Universal, Sony, Republic, Roadrunner, and more.

He is also the author of the Amazon #1 Bestseller "The Mixing Mindset: The Step-by-Step Formula For Creating Professional Rock Mixes From Your Home Studio"

He runs where he teaches aspiring studio engineers to create pro-level recordings and mixes from home