How To Remove Plosives From A Vocal Take

Have you ever been recording or mixing a track…

Everything is sounding great…

You’re feeling the energy and emotion of the singer…

Grooving along…

And then out of nowhere, you hear…

“Poof” as one of the lyrics is sung.

It knocks you right out of the moment and you begin to wonder what happened…

  • Did they hit the mic with their face? 
  • Did they kick the stand? 
  • Did something blow up?

9 times out of 10, it’s neither of those.

Instead, it’s a plosive.

Plosives occur when a big burst of air hits the diaphragm of a mic. Usually, these occur on words that start with the letters B or P.

Most of the time you can prevent these from happening simply by using a pop filter in front of the mic, but sometimes singers just push a little too hard.

The dilemma you’re then faced with is… 

Should you re-record the line just to have a cleaner version?

If it’s an amazing take, do you really want to risk losing that performance?

There’s a good chance you might not capture the same emotion or that new pitch issues could be introduced.

It’s a risky move.

Instead, there’s a simple way to fix these in a mix.

Let me show you how in this video….
